Justin Nicolas: Art, Man and Society

A combination of art appreciation and Art and Society for students of the Humanities and the Sociology and Social Reality readers.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Arts Month- Song Writing Contest---all classes under Justin Nicolas required to submit entry

Dear HUMA 1013/ HU110 Students:

February is declared as PUP Arts MOnth and one of the major activites will be the song writing contest. I am encouraging all my classes to submit at least one entry for the song writing contest, but each class must try to submit the most number of entries that they can submit. The final presentation will be on February 3, 2010. The theme will be close to the NCCA theme "Ani ng Sining". Details will be announced later.

Thanks and hope one of my students bag the frist prize!
PLease call the Music Department, PUP UCCA Office for more information.

So start practising you old composition that have not yet been performed yet or start composing those new songs now!

Justin V. Nicolas



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