Dear Students (Humanities):
1) For Tuesday:
Divide yourselves into groups. Use the groupings we had last meeting, only divide the group further into two. This means we will have twice the number of groups we had last time. Go to the library or the internet and research on a Filipino Natinal Artist in any field (literary, visual arts, film etc). GEt pertinnetn information on his life and works. Also include pictures or samples of his or her work. [ short Bond Paper, computerized]
2) Etheria Reaction paper
Please watch the new Telefantasia Etheria on Channel 7. Watch several episodes (at least two).
Describe the scene. Comment on the costumes, teh sound effects, the music, the props, the stage and backdrops, the color combination. You can compare it with other programs either with Encatadia or Channel 2 shows. [short bond paper, handwritten accepted but please write legibly]
3) Christmas break project: the humanities diary
Make a matrix of the music, movies, or even art works you will see or listen to this vacation. Do not listen or watch just for the requirement. List down the actual music that you listen to or probably the music you hear in the jeepney or the FX. It must be something you are appreciating (or probably abhoring!).
Cloumn 1: Title of art work/song/movie
Column 2: Description (rock, love song/ action movie/ cartoons/ painting etc)
Column 3: Feelings (do not edit your feelings. If you like the song express it, like if it is your theme song or if you remember something because of the song. If you watch something not nice, write what you felt.) [short bondpaper, you can be creative0DO NOT PUT IT ON FOLDERS/ JUST STAPLE IT PLEASE.
Thank you. and Happy Vacation.
Justin Nicolas
By the way, just in case there is a Manila Fil FEstival, try to watch some of the films. If your religion does not permit, it is okay.